Shape Your Future Proactively

Here are the 7 Steps to Determine Your Destiny that I have used for my own life.
Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. – Carl Jung
Because I was determined to find the answers for myself, in my 20’s, I made it a point to study a lot of different self-improvement methodologies and systems.
Since I was in my 20’s, I have researched and explored different ways to create the life of my dreams. Out of all that study I have created the 7 Steps to Determine Your Destiny. I have used it for myself and others and it has helped us tremendously.
The first revelation was that we are not our thoughts, that we have thoughts that we can study, control and change. Understanding this profoundly changed the direction of my life and helped me create a business with my partners that spanned 33 years, employed thousands of people, made millions of dollars and spawned multiple lines of business.
Since selling that business for millions of dollars in 2014, I have intensified my quest to learn how our thoughts determine our destiny, reading many books and working with some outstanding mentors and coaches.
I have been blessed to have learned many ways to help myself and others find the successes we sought. Out of my studies and my experiences, I have created my own program designed to create a clear path to the success we all seek. This is how the Seven Steps to Determine Your Destiny were developed.
Overview of The Seven Steps to Determine Your Destiny
Define Your Core Values
Taking the time to get clear on your core values establishes a solid foundation for a life that is in alignment with what is truly important to you. When you allow your root beliefs and principles to drive you, decision making is easier because you have clear guidelines. (As we’ll see below?) This is true of all decisions, from what to eat to whether or not to take a new job, etc.
Grow Your Mindset
Our mindset is also important – when we feel confident and creative, we set higher expectations and goals for ourselves. Instead of being run by our limiting beliefs, we dream bigger and brighter. The more we focus on positivity and gratitude, the higher we will climb.
Determine Your GOALS and Vision
Then, powered by clear values and self-assurance, we can work on creating our vision and setting our goals. Our purpose will be grounded in our core priorities and confidence. We can close our eyes and really see our intentions come to fruition.
Develop a Plan
The following helpful step along the way is to create a plan for getting there. The plans will probably change – that’s OK. You may not even have a clear plan in mind yet, and that’s ok too. What’s important is that you consistently take at least one step in the direction of your goals.
Take Action
Action is the missing element of so many dreams and aspirations. Stymied by our fears, we are often immobilized so taking any action is better than no action. Action is the step that turns your goals into your reality.
Create a Support System
As we continue along our patch, of course, we will face obstacles. Having support at your side is critical for helping us overcome those obstacles. Whether it’s self-doubt or a roadblock, the encouragement and insight of others can help you push through to the next step.
Maintain Persistency
Finally, we need to stay focused and persistent. This is often the real step separating those who accomplish their goals and those who don’t. As Napoleon Hill says, “quitters never win, and winners never quit.”
If you’d like to explore Your 7 Steps to Determine Your Destiny, schedule a call with me today!