What we visualize, we materialize. – Denis Waitley

Once we get clear on our values and mindset, now we are ready to set goals that can take us higher and farther.
Our values help us create boundaries and guideposts to ensure that we are in alignment with principals. When we use our core values to set our vision and goals, we find the path easier because they are tied to who we are.
A positive and confident mindset will allow us to dream bigger and plan further.
Remember that emotions have energy. Enthusiasm and confidence are high-energy emotions that will charge our goals with more fire and passion. We will dream bigger.
It’s essential to take the time to sit, think and plan our future. In this busy world full of distractions, deliberation and contemplation are often not priorities. And as Henry Ford says:
Thinking is the hardest kind of work — which is probably the reason so few engage in it.
Set aside time regularly to think about and visualize your ideal future.
I have found that the most effective way to set goals is to sit with a pad and pen and start writing.
Everything we make starts as a thought, and thoughts become more real when they become written. I advocate using pen and paper over computers because it’s more real in your brain. I had a client who kept telling me her handwriting was so bad that she had to put her goals in the computer. I finally convinced her to try it, and her handwritten goal of getting this particular client happened within a short time of her writing it down.
There are different timetable options for goal setting.
The most common are 10, 5, 3 and 1 year and 90 days. The 12 Week Year was popularized by Brian P. Moran. While going to the 90 day plan is a great way to get a handle on immediate steps to take, these will have more significance when you have longer goals in mind. For example, if you want to retire in 10 years, you will likely start to examine how much money you are putting away and may make some lifestyle changes to increase your savings. You will probably set savings goals for each of the periods.
Do you need more motivation? I have created an exercise that will help you stay on the right track when developing your goals and vision.