Do you feel stuck?

Do you ever feel like you are just not making the progress that you want to make in your life? Feel like you know you need to take the next step, but you don’t quite know how to get there?
I had to use all my resources to get unstuck and move into effective action. You’ll find the methods that worked for me below.
I confess that this is how I’ve felt over the last two weeks.
I just received an email from a fellow coach that addresses this very same issue so I know that I am not alone!
I was in between significant projects and about to gear up for two major undertakings. I felt like I was standing at the bottom of the diving platform and wishing I had more energy to get up to the top.
I have also been somewhat sick, which has not helped. Seems like there is a lot of that going around!
I almost didn’t send this email – as the coach, I am supposed to be setting the great example of overcoming these stuck phases. My clients look to me for guidance when they get stuck. How did I get here?
Oh right, I’m human.
So I told myself what I tell them – I was compassionate with myself for this low energy period. However, first I kept trying to push through it and ended up with a worse sore throat and laryngitis. Sometimes we are the last people to take our own advice. I say we because I don’t think I am alone in this!
Now, I am lucky to be able to allow myself a bit of a rest. I used this time to update my contacts from my networking events, implement some new systems I have been putting off and hire a helper so I can delegate some work.
I am happy to say that I am feeling revitalized and re-energized. Since I absolutely believe that every adversity brings the seeds of opportunity, what did I gain from this?
I gained significant and empowering personal insights about some subconscious ASSumptions I had made about myself that did not become apparent until I really analyzed my thoughts and actions. I realized that it was time to reframe and change my perspective.
Perspective is EVERYTHING. We often cannot change circumstances, but we can change our thoughts about them. This is where our true power lies. This is one of my core beliefs, which I wrote about here.
What did I do to get unstuck? Here are the steps that I took that worked for me:
Get to the Bottom of Why You Feel Stuck
Often there is some underlying issue going on that is causing you to feel like you are stuck and just can’t get as focused or as productive as you would like. I took the time to figure out what was causing me to feel blocked. I meditated and journaled a LOT more than usual and yes, I did figure out why I was feeling stuck. It was not easy or quick, but it was rewarding.
Get Support
Often others can give us a different perspective, ask helpful questions, or just give us the chance to talk things through. I called a friend – well, actually several friends! I reached out to people that I knew would support and encourage me. They supplemented my thoughts and added insights that helped deepen my understanding of the real underlying issue. (Many thanks to all of you!)
Do Easier or Different Tasks
Sometimes it’s a particular task that you just can’t seem to get done. Focusing on something else that you know you can finish or work on more easily will help you regain some momentum. I did less taxing work that needed to get done and things that I’d been putting off. That way I still felt productive.
Get Back in Touch with Your Why
Revisiting your purpose can also kick start your energy. I reclaimed my mission and vision. I had gotten a bit off-kilter and needed to get recentered. We all have temporary setbacks so when I focused more on the long-term goals, it gave me a better perspective. I recommitted to working on my business with purpose and a plan.
Create or Revisit Your Plan
Once you have remembered your why, you might benefit from a structured plan to give you some guidance. So, I created a revised plan to give me some guidance. Part of that plan includes time blocking and a select to-do list of high priority items. I use the plan to keep myself on task and on track.
Practice Self-Care
Sometimes we just need a break. I had been working very hard for quite a while and was feeling burned out. I suspect that is one of the reasons I got sick. I tried pushing through the exhaustion and my body just took over and forced me to rest. Looking back, I can see that I would have benefitted from just taking the time off and probably avoided the sore throat and exhaustion!
So, feeling stuck happens to just about all of us. Approaching it with a positive and compassionate attitude will help you get back in motion sooner. I hope that you find these tips helpful.
And as always, I am here to help! Find a time that works for you and let’s see how we can get you moving in the right direction.